The Rise Of AI Market Manipulation Panel at Wondertonk May 18th

Wondertonk is an experimental festival and community-driven initiative dedicated to exploring the potentials and challenges of Artificial Intelligence. Subscribe to attend the Wondertonk AI Festival consisting of panels, exhibitions, labs, debates, and networking on May 17th and 18th in Chicago. Our “The Rise of AI Market Manipulation Panel” will be a good one at the festival and this video is not Morgan Freeman…it’s a Fake.

The Rise of AI Market Manipulation: May 18th 4pm – 4:45pm 

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the industry landscapes has not remained untouched. The intersection of artificial intelligence into industries has given rise to both unprecedented opportunities and daunting challenges involving privacy, concerns, scams, deep fakes, and more. Join us for an insightful and thought-provoking panel discussion where experts from various fields will converge to shed light on the dark side and critical issues within their industries as it relates to AI.

Whether you are a creator, marketer, executive, or techie, AI is going to impact 400 million jobs by 2030 and Wondertonk is the place to experiment with the possibilities, concerns and utilizations of Artificial Intelligence to unlock human potential.

About the Wondertonk AI Festival

The Wondertonk festival’s experimental programming will feature four core components: inspiring panels, creative exhibitions, educational labs, and aggressive debates spanning various industries. This is the first ever AI festival in Chicago and we’re testing the concept on an intimate level. May 17th is our VIP reception with first access to view the art exhibitions and May 18th will consist of the educational and entertainment programming. Attendees can expect thought-provoking discussions, hands-on demonstrations, and networking sessions with eclectic experts and enthusiasts alike. Participants and programming are subject to change.